Team Building in Galena

Allow our professional team building staff to customize your meeting or conference with a wide variety of team building and recreational programs. Designed to promote leadership, communication, cooperation and creative thinking, these events will enhance productivity in a fun and spirited environment.

From a Cardboard Sled Derby to Brain Buster Trivia games and a competition modeled after The Amazing Race, our activities will have everyone in your group smiling and motivated to succeed.

Complete Team Building Guide

Please contact 800-998-MEET (6338) for more information

Conference Events

The Amazing Race

This event is based around the reality show The Amazing Race. This amazing adventure combines communication, planning, problem-solving and teamwork in a fun-filled race. Teams will navigate their way to checkpoints by following the clues they are given. At some of these checkpoints, teams must complete a challenge or solve a particular problem in order to receive their next clue. The last clue will direct teams to the finish line; the first team to check in will be the winner. Even if you've already done this event, we can create a new challenge for your group.

We currently offer races both onsite and throughout historic downtown Galena (transportation not included). This event can be done year round; however, participants will be outside for the majority of this event and should dress accordingly. Most teams can complete the race in one to two hours.

Bear Factory

Create your very own stuffed animal at our Bear Factory. You choose and stuff your new huggable, lovable friend. Each kit includes: stuffed animal, stuffing, birth certificate, wishing star, and guardian angel bear. This is a great event for kids or kids at heart.

We can also donate the stuffed animals to Hugs Across America Inc. Hugs Across America is a non-denominational, not for profit charitable organization provides teddy bears, curricular materials, and messages of care to lessen the fear and anxiety experienced by children in crisis. All donations are made in the name of your group.

Paparazzi Bingo

Paparazzi is a photo scavenger hunt that will definitely challenge the creativity and resourcefulness of your team. In this event, teams will be given a camera to capture news stories for our fictitious tabloid. Teams will also be challenged to produce attention-grabbing deadlines for each photo. This event can be adapted to fit many locations and can be based around any theme you desire. Paparazzi usually takes one to two hours.

Pick - 3

Pick – 3 is our take on some traditional team building events. In Pick – 3 you can select three different events from the pre-designed list below, or our recreation staff will work with you to customize new events to meet your group's needs. The possibilities are endless! Pick – 3 usually takes one to two hours to complete. 

  • Brain Buster Trivia: Brain teasers are a great way to get your brain warmed up for the day. They are also a great way to kick off a meeting or event since they require a relatively low level of active participation. We strongly encourage groups with less outgoing personalities to use Brain Buster Trivia as an ice breaker.
  • Island Hopping: Participants are “trapped” on an island and must work together to escape by using two planks without touching the floor. This activity can only be accomplished with cooperation. Add blindfolds for a greater challenge!
  • Pipeline: Work as a team to transfer golf balls through a suspended pipeline without dropping them. It will take quick minds and quick hands to accomplish this task. 
  • Puzzled: Your group will be challenged with assembling a number of simple children's puzzles in five minutes or less. Sounds too easy, right? We think so; that's why there's a twist! If you're a coordinator and would really like to know, just ask.
  • Tower of Power: A tower building competition. Each team will be given a bag of marshmallows and a box of toothpicks to create the highest tower possible. Teams will need steady hands to beat the competition.

Quick Draw

Quick Draw is a fast-paced game modeled after Pictionary. Teams will race against the clock to draw people, places or things; however, the game can also be customized with clues specific to your organization. Teams will then go head-to-head in the Quick Draw Round. This game typically lasts one hour.

Sporting Events

Call for exact options and pricing
We currently offer equipment, facilities and coordination for many sports. A short list includes: bean bags, bocce ball, broomball, croquet, kickball, softball, tennis, and volleyball.

Survey Says

How well do you know your company and co-workers? Our Survey Says game show follows the Family Feud format. We gather answers by sending a survey to your company. The results are then incorporated into our game show presentation. This event will include a live host and computer-generated presentation. This event typically lasts one hour. 

Putting Tournaments

Even with four award-winning golf courses at your fingertips, sometimes there just isn't enough time in your busy conference or meeting schedule to play a full round of golf. As a result, Eagle Ridge has putting tournaments available for your group as a great alternative.

Putting Tournament Includes:

Contact the resort's tournament office at 815-777-2280 for additional information and fees.